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commit harakiri 意味

"commit harakiri"の例文


  • 切腹{せっぷく}する
  • commit     commit v. 委ねる; 委託する; かかわりあう; 傾倒する; 預ける, 収監する; 犯す. 【副詞1】 accidentally
  • harakiri     harakiri n. 切腹. 【動詞+】 attempt harakiri 切腹しようとする commit harakiri
  • force someone to commit harakiri    (人)に詰め腹を切らせる
  • harakiri     harakiri n. 切腹. 【動詞+】 attempt harakiri 切腹しようとする commit harakiri 切腹する contemplate harakiri 切腹しようと思っている.
  • attempt harakiri    切腹{せっぷく}しようとする
  • contemplate harakiri    切腹{せっぷく}しようと思っている
  • harakiri swap    ハラキリ?スワップ
  • commit     commit v. 委ねる; 委託する; かかわりあう; 傾倒する; 預ける, 収監する; 犯す. 【副詞1】 accidentally commit a crime たまたま偶然に罪を犯す He deliberately committed bigamy. 意識的に重婚罪を犯した He has sincerely committed himself to
  • commit for    ~に付す、~のために引き渡す
  • commit to    ~にささげる
  • to commit    to commit 犯す おかす 出来す 出かす でかす 働く はたらく
  • auto commit    {名} :
  • auto-commit    {名} : 自動{じどう}コミット


  • he'll commit harakiri . that's how that old man is .
    腹を切るね。 あの おっさんは。
  • you may have to commit harakiri , huh ?
    腹 切んなくっちゃ ならないんじゃないの?
  • but if you get injured , i will have to commit harakiri .
    しかし 若に ケガをさせたら 私は 腹を切らねばなりませぬ!
  • a samurai requests audience at a lord's house , asking to use the premises to commit harakiri .
    あ大コ名の あ匡敷を訪槍老 切る筧もな凵のに 玄関先竇腹 切りた凵と 哀紅を匂うん竇さあ檀
  • the request to commit harakiri with a bamboo sword is mocked while your house is praised for hosting such a ritualistic suicide .
    世聞竇は 竹光竇切腹を 申し出たラ貝士をあさけ笑い 切巳せた井伊家を さ宣ガ武士と蓑めそや荳
  • if i were paralyzed ,' retorted he , ' when i stabbed myself on the stomach , people would think that i was scared to commit harakiri .
  • when yamanami returned to the place where he quartered , yamanami who intended to commit seppuku was standing by in a white kimono (which a samurai wore to commit harakiri in feudal japan ).
  • in japan , people commonly have an image of a yurei as a woman without legs wearing a tenkan (triangle hood ) over her disheveled hair and a white kimono (which samurai wore to commit harakiri in feudal japan ), and this is the most typical figure shown in theaters or haunted houses .
  • when the accusation was proved groundless , the bakufu ordered the two to commit harakiri , but ienobu pleaded with the bakufu to save their lives , saying that he would like to have them spared because they had served for him , although temporarily , and the sentence was reduced to banishment .
  • according to " tateiri sakyonosuke nyudo ryusa-ki " (record by munetsugu tateiri ), he was held up by kiyohide nakagawa as ' it is out of question to visit azuchi-jo castle . it is better to fight in the settsu province rather than to visit azuchi-jo castle and forced to commit harakiri .'
  • もっと例文:  1  2
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